Friday 15 March 2013

Zodiac Opposites - FATAL ATTRACTION

Hey all!

I haven't posted anything since February, so i thought i might add a little info regarding star signs, and write about what a lot of people don't usually realize or understand about Zodiac Opposites.

A zodiac opposite is basically the star sign that sits directly opposite your own sign in the zodiac chart. You're probably wondering why is this so important, and why im bothering to write about it, but zodiac opposites play a vital part when it comes to compatibility and attraction, and also confrontation and what we look for in our opposite sign.

One word for a zodiac opposite couple - fatal attraction, and here's why...

I'll start from the start of the zodiac.

Fire, Cardinal + Air, Cardinal

Aries and Libra sit exactly opposite each other on the chart of course, and make an amazing partnership! Aries and Libra are soul-mate material. That's pretty much the only way i can describe how good this relationship is.

Aries are full on people, we know this, they're bossy, March born Aries are more emotional then April born Aries, so we can potentially be dealing with a ram gone blind with tears, which can be extremely destructive, but the good thing about Libra is their laid-back attitude and self aura. This is exactly what Aries loves. Aries does enough talking, enough laughing, enough eating and enough fighting for 2 people, maybe 4. Libra just watches from the side line, entertained, and will chip in at exactly the right time and say exactly the right thing. If you ever notice a Libra in an environment where there are heaps of people, for example a BBQ, they may be quiet at first, but they will always make you look at them and laugh when they place their input in at exactly the right moment and they have perfect timing all the time. Librans are witty, and will keep you thinking. Aries loves this. There's nothing worse then being a wet blanket for Aries. They are fire, and cardinal (Cardinal is another word for action, or action do-er, or leader), and when your dealing with a full on bush fire, just don't get in the way, and Libra is fine with this. Libra gives Aries the forest to burn, well, the space to roam and be free, without having to be self-conscious or keep tongue in check, Libra isnt about the whole, "Aries, shut up, if you say that, they're gonna hate us and we will never be aloud back again", because lets face it, to Aries, no means yes, and yes means no, so they're going to do it anyway, Libra knows not to waste his breath. So you can guarantee Aries will always have a blast with Libra.
Aries will always keep an eye on Libra, even from afar, and you may not see that eye on you Libra, but Aries are very jealous souls, and will make sure that they play guardian and protector, in case their beloved damsel becomes distressed, or another person is making moves on their lover, that's definitely cause for Aries to slap someone.
The downside to this relationship, and there always is unfortunately, is not so much on Libras part, but Aries, and that's money, and time. Aries are spendthrifts, and time hogs. Libra will sit on the lounge on a lovely evening, and watch tv, while Aries is on the phone, or on the computer, or txting, and has been for the last hour. Libra will tap their fingers, sigh loudly, yet Aries is oblivious. It's attention on Aries, and which Aries can resist that? Take an Aries out to the shopping center, they will look at the most expensive shoes, body washes, fragrances, foods even, clothes and especially jewellery, Aries loveeeee jewellery. Even if Aries doesnt display the expensive taste, know deep down they want it bad, so so bad!
So Libra, expect to give the most expensive Christmas and birthday presents money can buy, to make Aries feel like the king or queen they think they are, and they will be happily content....Funny how ive only been speaking about Aries, and what Aries like and want, its because Libra has no fault in this relationship. Honest. Libra will be with Aries because of their personality, and looks will play a part as well, as Libra is the lover of beauty. Aries will have either a beautiful body, or beautiful eyes and hair, one or the other or both will be enough for libra. Aries isnt big on looks, except if you have the dark hair and eyes, or the dark hair and piercing eyes, Aries just may lose themselves, but as long as they have fun, and heaps of sex in the end (for April born Aires, March Aries flames die) they're happy.
If Libra is boring, Aries will get bored, and move on. If Libra is too over the top, you'll out do Aries, and they will move on. This is why air fuels fire here, air is active, and all around us, but isn't as destructive as fire, and fire will feed on air to be who they are. This relationship is the perfect balance between the 2 elements. Soul-mates!

Earth, Fixed + Water, Fixed

Well well, the second most popular couple after Virgo and Scorpio. Taurus and Scorpio usually meet later on in life, after they have each gone through the ropes in a bad relationship, and have experienced all there really is to experience in life. If these two meet in early life, then they are set forever, unless one does something unspeakable to the other, then this will very much be a lost cause for a relationship.

One word for both signs. Stubborn. Fixed means stable, solid, non-moving, set in their ways, and both signs are fixed. With this pair, just picture a stable home, income, sex and life. Taurus needs and wants anything that will not change unless they themselves want it to. Scorpio hates change, will adapt as sees fit, but will kick up a massive stink about it. Therefore, these 2 are perfect for each other. Earth and water are natural complimentary elements. Water will shape earth, and earth will soak in water. Together this couple will create mud. Mud doesn't go anywhere too fast, and if it dries, it sticks.
One thing Taurus has to watch out about themselves, when it comes to Scorpio, is their morals and inhibitions. Scorpio is dark, and sexual, and manipulative. Scorpio gets what Scorpio wants, and Taurus will give in and let Scorpio have their very soul due to that dark and seductive aura that Scorpio gives off. Taurus, who are ruled by Venus, just like Libra, are a lover of beauty and fine things. Taurus are a sucker for eyes, and Scorpio definitely has them.
The one thing that Scorpio has to look out for when it comes to Taurus is their materialistic, controlling and slow moving side. Taurus will say anything, and do anything to have Scorpio not have that certain someone in their lives that Taurus doesn't like, will buy that amazing piece of furniture that would look the part in the lounge room with Scorpio's money, Taurus are the true definition of over-indulgence, if Taurus had a deadly sin, it would, honestly, be greed. Scorpio would have Lust (don't think you don't get a deadly sin scorpion!). If Scorpio wants to do something or go out somewhere, and Taurus doesn't, then good luck, that's all i can say. Scorpio will most likely have to bribe Taurus with a luxury item, with a hefty price tag attached, to get them to do something Scorpio wants to do.
All in all, this partnership is solid. Scorpio will feel protected by Taurus, and feel secure with them, as Taurus will feel stable and know that Scorpio will not go anywhere unless out of revenge, which means Taurus will have to be on their best behavior.
If these 2 are not together, but are seeing each other, Taurus needs to be more careful as to who Scorpio is, and what their background is. Taurus will not find all this out easily, as Scorpio is an old soul, and will not say one word about themselves that can jeopardize them getting what they want. Scorpio needs to be mindful that they do not string Taurus along, and if they want to be with Taurus, they need to make sure they have a clean slate on their hands, as Taurus will not put up with baggage, as much as they like drama. Scorpio also needs to make sure that they don't encourage Taurus to do anything illegal, as Scorpio's are as much adrenaline junkies as Sagittarians. This isn't the strongest coupling involving Taurus and Scorpio, unless of course they meet later on in life, but as a zodiac opposite couple, can be potentially soul-mate material.

Air, Mutable + Fire, Mutable

This couple. THIS couple. Is trouble. Good and bad trouble, all rolled into one long and ever changing adventure. This is definitely a soul-mate coupling that needs to be found in the younger stages of life ie High School, 20's.

Here we have both mutable signs. Mutable is pretty much another word for adaptable, go-with-the-flow, changeable. Gemini is probably the most Mutable sign there is out of the zodiacs, as much doesn't faze Gemini. Gemini have extremely large amounts of nervous energy, but they hide this well. Sagittarius on the other hand, hide a lot of things well, except when alcohol is involved, or escapism substances like drugs come out to play. Sagittarians are almost as alien as Aquarians.
When these two get together, the number one word is fun. Absolute fun. They will go out with each other on the night life, flirt with every single person, both go off in opposite directions, and then meet up, and then go off again. The only time this becomes difficult is if Sagittarius start getting sexually physical with another person, when out with their partner on a night out. Gemini think it, Sagittarius do it. The only reason Sagittarius would do this, is if they think they were being neglected by Gemini, and not receiving any attention at all from them. Gemini, poor Gemini, are fickle, and constantly thinking and making decisions and having all these ideas cross their minds when they see someone or something that interests them. Gemini's are particularly interested in people with emotion, as Gemini's emotional level is there, but on the inside. And this is where Sagittarius comes to play. Sag will constantly pick, and throw in sarcasm, and actually throw a nasty side at Gemini, which Gemini then turns into a game. That's right, while Sag is thinking they have won, and are getting satisfaction that they have affected Gemini, Gemini is laughing on the inside, and scheming to do something that would make Sag even more angrier, and have Gemini howling with laughter!
And that's where the fun stops. If this couple have been together for a considerable amount of time or years, Gemini does actually become a bit clingy and overly protective. Why? Because they are comfortable, and comfort doesn't come straight away for a Gemini, they have to probe and test and determine if being with you is worth while, and once they have decided it is, they wont let go. Sagittarius on the other hand, if they don't feel the love and protection and even the light jealous side of Gemini, they have already started drinking and roaming, on the down low. Gemini needs to know that once you have the attention and affections of a Sagittarius, it means they are genuinely interested, and want to be with you. If you play that hard to get role too long, or cant make up your mind, they will move on, as they can only want what they cant have until the next major want/need walks past. Gemini will never have a dull moment with Sagittarius, as they are both active signs, and love to go out and keep up their mental stimulation, which is to say if Sagittarius cant mentally stimulate Gemini, the eyes may start roving, but Sagittarius is just that spontaneous, mentally Gemini is overwhelmed with it all and lavishes in it. These two aren't always about the couch life like Taurus, Pisces and Cancer.
So! At a younger age if these two meet, and fall in love, it will be wonderful, and they absolutely will go through the good and bad together - Sagittarius's one time drug and/or alcohol addiction, Gemini's gambling problem/money problem, but will always find their way back into each others arms, having never left each others hearts.

Water, Cardinal + Earth, Cardinal

Well, here we have opposites that work as a very weird couple indeed. This is a relationship usually based on sex and money, along with a father/son, mother/daughter type relationship, if that doesn't weird you out!

These two signs, will definitely not meet and be fully fledged together until at least an older stage of their lives. Sure, they will meet when younger, and have an on/off relationship, lots of sex, so little talking, but very rarely do a Cancer and Capricorn cross paths. Paths usually cross in the workplace, or online, but definitely not out at a club or pub.
At first, both these signs will be stand-offish with each other to begin with. Why? Because both are attracted to each other, and are jealous of each other at the same time. These two, you can say, are almost like twins, except Cancer being the extrovert, and Capricorn being the Introvert, and later on, that's how these 2 work. Both have similar personalities, ways of doing things, thinking, and beliefs. And if they both KNOW that they are similar, all the more frustrating, as Capricorn has a natural competitive nature, and Cancer is competitive without even realizing.
The reason i said that these two will have a father/son, mother/daughter type of relationship, is because one or the other is usually substantially older. Most of these partnerships you will see that Capricorn is older, and Cancer is younger, Capricorn is the bread winner, while Cancer the domestic house sitter. It works great when both are living together, and are in love. Capricorn has this built in natural urge to be top of where they work, or an urge to achieve a high status, with making millions of dollars. Status is power to Capricorn, and they will make sure they reach the highest point on the food chain, and be superior to others, while flashing a uni degree or qualification in your face. Cancer, on the other hand, save their pennies, and don't really care for the money side of life. As long as Cancer has a roof over their heads, food on the table, and a relaxing bath to bathe in, and a book to read, they are happy.
The one thing Capricorn needs to watch out for with Cancer, is their moods. Cancer is well known for mood changes. It's the most obvious written statement in Astrology. Cancer may never admit that they have severe mood changes, but if Capricorn was to actually prove this, they will start secretly noting down when Cancer is moody, then throw it right at them. Cancer will become jealous, especially if Capricorn goes out frequently, whether it be to work meetings, flying interstate for a work function, or even a night out AWAY from Cancer, Capricorn will have to turn the phone off to not be bothered, but expect a nasty fight when returning home.
One thing for Cancer to watch out for with Capricorn is their bossiness, and ego. Capricorn may not realize  but they can get in a right old mood themselves and not even understand that they said yes, or no, or a sentence with malice in it as Cancer had heard. Capricorn can pull up a negative aura around themselves and not even realize this also. Cancer will feel it, and will confront Capricorn about it, which will turn Caps mood even worse then it was. If Capricorn gets a good pay, the gloating will most definitely happen, and Caps ego will inflate ten fold, having Cancer run for an umbrella before Caps head explodes. This is the one thing that will have the most effect on Cancer, making Cancer feel as though they cant earn, or work, as good as Cap, and that Cap can buy anything they want, leaving Cancer feeling defenseless and/or worthless.
These signs need to learn to be in sync with each other. Capricorn needs to take a step back and open their eyes and realize that maybe they do make Cancer feel inadequate or upset, and should be a little bit gentler with them, and show some emotion, while Cancer needs to not take everything to heart, as this is Capricorn, take it or leave it, and accept them as who they are. Life is too short to be upset by petty reckonings.

Fire, Fixed + Air, Fixed

Well this is one successful couplings going at the moment, especially from middle age upwards, and at work or through friends, maybe even the club scene. Both of these fixed signs go hand in hand together, but Aquarius does sneak in at being first on the annoyance list with Leo.

Fire and Air again, naturally fueling each other. Aquarius has an aura about them that no other star sign has, and that's individuality. One word to describe Aquarius - eccentric. Whether that be in clothing, attitude, style or appearance, not many Aquairans follow a trend, they set it. Leo, on the other hand, is a trend follower, and when they do see a cool Aquarian, they automatically become intrigued. Aquarius will make Leo laugh, hate, smile and cry pretty much all in one day. Aquarius people are what we call "cold" when it comes to their emotions. They don't have the time or day for petty people who take things to heart, or cry, because Aquarius was probably the person who upset them to begin with, and Leo likes this. Leo likes that Aquarius is strong in this quality, and that Leo can say anything to Aquarius and not have Aquarius run off screaming all kinds of abuse and streaming tears.
The one turn off to Leo that Aquarius will do, is be too cold and too heartless, or just not pay Leo any attention at all. Aquarius will work with Leo really well, in a busy work place, but when that workplace becomes extremely busy, Aquarius wont care who you are, and will direct orders like directing traffic, and have Leo hate every minute of it, and if Leo bites back, which nine times out of ten they do, its pretty much on. But wait! By the end of that busy hour, Aquarius comes over and starts having a yarn and laughing with Leo, like nothing has ever happened. Frustrating? You bet your Leo's it is!
When these two signs go out together, they stick by each others side. Leo doesn't like being left alone, unless they see a group of people they know and walk over and start chatting, Aquarius doesn't care if they're alone now, usually Aquarius has found someone to go up to and chat with, mind you Aquarius doesn't even know this person, and still have a good time. Leo will look over, then look around, and see that Aquarius is having a good time, Leo will head on over, only to be given the back of Aquarius, and left standing there like a fool. Mad kitty!
In the home life, if these two signs are together, usually children will be involved pretty much straight away, and will make for an interesting environment. Leo's natural nurturing and parenting instincts will come out, where as the Aqaurian detachment comes into play. Aquarian parents will be nurturing in the sense that there will always be food on the table, cooking baking away in the oven, photos on the wall, and new clothes and school books for the kids, but just dont expect the Aquarian to be lovey or cuddly or all kisses with their children to an extent of what Leo is like. Leo makes up for Aquarius there, with how much affection Leo gives their children.
The one thing for Aquarius to watch out for with Leo, is the jealousy and competitiveness and general annoyance that Leo will have against Aquarius. Aquarius will want to know why, and what they are doing wrong, and Leo will tell them, but Aquarius will brush this off with a waive of their hand and never speak or think of it again. They are great at not letting the little things effect them whatsoever.
Leo will need to learn that Aquarian coldness is natural, and that its just them. Sure they do things that will annoy Leo, and will make Leo see red, but in the end, Aquarius still talks to you, laughs with you, and will be there for you the best they can, and are considered to be an amazing life long friend if you just want that fun side of life. You know you can be yourself around Aquarius, and they will not judge you, as they like people who are different, and who are themselves. Leo will need to seek out Cancer, Pisces or Virgo friends for the deep and meaningful.

Earth, Mutable + Water, Mutable

This match of opposites isn't a very common coupling, but when it is, its usually a lifetime this will last. Virgo and Pisces need to pretty much stumble across each other in some elaborate setting, with a group of friends, for them to really find each other, and when they do, what more could you ask for!

Virgo isn't always about who they are going to hook up with when the go out on the scene at night, and neither is Pisces. So when these two find each other with mutual friends, things start to get a little interesting. Virgo will go on about this and that, being very factual and knowledgeable with what is being discussed, almost nerdy like. Pisces will sit and listen, as Pisces finds conversation appealing, and lavishes in the attention that is on them. Even if it isn't the best attention, i mean, Pisces is sitting with a drink in their hand listening to Virgo rattle on, but Pisces can see past this, and see the true person that Virgo is. Virgo will love Pisces from the get go. The big eyes, the unrelenting attention that Pisces will give, and the general charm that Pisces projects to people they speak with, with their kindness and caring nature. Then BAM! Pisces disappears. Virgo will quickly excuse themselves to go the bathroom, and ask Pisces to wait, then Virgo returns and there is no Pisces. Actually, Pisces has left the club/pub! This is a typical Pisces behavior, to play the Prince/Princess, but leave Virgo hanging. Virgo needs to be extremely fast with their approach to the fish, either by exchanging numbers, or asking if Pisces will be back at the same place next weekend before Virgo goes to the bathroom, as Pisces will not know Virgos intentions of asking.
But lucky for Virgo, even though Pisces had left before the return from the bathroom, Pisces is back at the same spot the following weekend, and this is when Virgo suggests lunch or coffee, and Pisces says ok. For Pisces to say yes to a lunch or coffee date, there must be a strong connection, attraction, or reason of chance that they would. Pisces wont just go to coffee with anyone, Virgo would have needed to hold Pisces attention strongly, but at the same time, Virgo's do get general nervousness, and aren't the strongest people when asking someone they're interested in to go for a date, like Pisces.
So, date day rolls around, and both signs are sober and feeling happy. Virgo can be really romantic when they need or want to be, and make for a beautiful location of where to dine or have coffee. Conversation is great, Pisces will prompt Virgo to talk about their life and general interests and Virgo will do the same with Pisces, selfishness here is at an all time low. It really is relaxing and calming, and nice.
Virgo will do all the lovely gestures like a kiss, or an arm around the should, and have Pisces giggling here and there, and Pisces will fill Virgo with a new found confidence and ego that Virgo never thought existed. But things can get a bit rough, when both signs are relaxed with each other after some time. Pisces is as jealous as a Cancer, and as intelligent as a Scorpio when it comes to manipulation, and will not let anyone walk over them when the time comes to it, which Virgo needs to be aware of in all situations concerning other people, money and changed personalities. Virgo will relax a bit more around alcohol and eating, and will fall into a continuous line of frequent and possible heavy drinking. Pisces falls when it comes to peer pressure, and Virgo enticing Pisces to party and drink constantly will cause trouble for this pair. Virgo will go out of his way to make Pisces jealous, and Pisces can and most probably will retaliate with a poisonous tongue and known physical violence, when intoxicated due to Virgo influence, which in turn will make Pisces feel like the worst person in the world, and have them trapped in a vicious cycle of depression.
These two are perfect together when it is a calm and relaxing and spiritual environment. Pisces needs to watch the consumption of self destructive substances, and Virgo will be there to guide and help Pisces not to go down that path. If both are on a spiritual level with each other, passion will rise, a beautiful home filled with books and interesting trinkets will be built, and children will eventually arrive.

In the end, if you love someone, you love them, and you may not even be partnered with a zodiac opposite, and who you're with now, is probably the most amazing person ever. Me being a Cancer, i can only say that i have had one run in with a Capricorn, and that lasted about 3 weeks, never spoken of again. This piece of writing is only general knowledge on zodiac opposites, and what to expect when meeting them for the first time, or relating, if you can, on a past experience with an opposite :)

Happy reading!