Friday 22 February 2013

A Reason, Season or a Lifetime

Reason, Season, or Lifetime
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you figure out which one it is,
you will know what to do for each person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty;
to provide you with guidance and support;
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend, and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person,
and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
— Unknown


Hello end of February and March born babies!

So Pisces, this is your month! Who cares how old you're turning, because lets face it, age is just a number :)

This is my first blog on a particular star sign, and what better star sign to start it off with then Pisces. Some say Pisces is the end of the Zodiac, some say its the beginning, but whether you're at the front or the end, you're gifted with every great and not so great attribute of the other 11 zodiacs.

Coming from a water dominated family (mother, sister, Aunties, Grandmother) i believe i truly understand a Pisces. This understanding of course, coming from observing my mother - 28th Feb, and my Grandmother - 19th March.
If i can describe Pisces with one great word, it would be beautiful. Beautiful in the way, that you will open your arms for anyone. Do you know this anyone? No. Do you trust this anyone? Not sure, as you aren't the most judgmental fish in the sea. If i could describe you with one not so great word, and don't hate me for it, it would be self-destructive. My main reason for that word, is you do not like to upset or disappoint anyone, absolutely anyone. This is where peer pressure comes into play. You're an escapee. You delve into that of which makes you want to forget, relax and be numb.

Now, Pisces are amazing people. I have never met a cruel Piscesean in my life. You march outside into the world with your helmet, amour and sword on, and god help that person that pushes you aside in a busy place, or that stops suddenly in front of you when it is overcrowded in a shopping center, but underneath that amour, and behind that helmet, are soft dreamy eyes and a soft caring heart.
One way you can tell a Pisces in a crowed - the eyes. If you walk past someone that looks like they're dreaming while walking, i can guarantee you that was a Pisces you just walked past. If you see a young guy or a girl, petite looking, with a very unusual or alternative look about them, and they're on their own, guarantee they are Pisces. The people of this sign do their own thing. They don't care if they look a particular way and someone doesn't agree with how they look or dress, as long as they are comfortable, that's all that matters. Take singer Rihanna for example; good girl gone bad look, we're talking sweet looking, short hair, umbrella/sell me candy girl, turned into Rated R physco looking ninja chick playing with guns and army boys, turned into a Loud red haired "looks sweet on the outside" type of chick. Pisces style changes and is different, and that's how they are remembered.

Now. Who should you avoid when it comes to the date scene. Think back to your first crush/love. You're not there now, why? How many times have you made it work? Why wasn't it working? This particular sign is probably not your match.
Leo is a no no. Leo is the month of late July (23rd/24th) through to Lateish August (22nd/23rd). We have Pisces as a water sign and Leo as a fire sign. Our first problem is both are elemental opposites. Water puts out fire, fire turns water to steam, both disappear from the other. If a water/fire relationship does work well, and they do, don't get me wrong, they create warm or boiling water.
Leo makes Pisces jealous. Its fact. Leo being all great hair, big eyes, nice body and a crowed stopper, will obviously get on Pisces nerves. Its not so much the fact Pisces gets jealous, its the fact that it pisses Pisces off. Why should Pisces go out, and be over shadowed by someone else. It is nice to get noticed every once in a while. So, with this in mind, Pisces can play the Leo game too. And that's our second problem. Leo can not stand anyone trying to outdo them in their own game. Leo's planet is the sun for a reason, and Leo prides themselves on being "centre of attention". Pisces walks in with Leo, off Leo goes talking to everyone, laughing, leaving poor Pisces alone. Little does Leo know, Pisces can attract their own attention without being so grand. Pisces will walk over to where the food is, take a nibble, and that will some how attract someone's attention. The way Pisces sips that drink, or scratches their nose ever so gently. Do we see something yet? Pisces is a kind person, and the kindness will show in their actions. They will never aggressively grab food and devour it like a Sagittarius would, and when you see gentle and kind, you want to learn more about that person.
So. HAHA Leo is pretty much what is happening right now. And Leo will eventually notice this, as the Leo eye can always point out when someone is leaving their vicinity.
Once both signs get home, it is on. On like Godzilla batting a giant anaconda. Leo will be silent at first, letting all the heat and anger burn up inside, while Pisces can feel what is happening, and knows what will happen. Pisces are psychic. No matter what anyone says, a Pisces will always know. So Pisces will break silence first when both walk through the door, and Leo will snap back with a retort that leaves Pisces feeling shocked. Pisces will then attack Leo with a bunch of "whats wrongs's" and "why would you say that's", and this is an opening point for Leo. Game on. See, Leo is all hot air. Roar Roar, this and that, its just Leo's way of getting things out, and causing pain so Leo can get that satisfaction, and then be over it. Pisces is a very sensitive soul, and if you're going to yell at a Pisces, expect a Pisces to yell back and stick up for themselves.
Eventually both parties get over it. Pisces isn't one of the hardest signs to beat the silent treatment at though, only because they forgive too easily. They by all means will never forget, and may bring it up 10 years down the track. Leo, is a great person, and will feel bad after all the mess, and will want to see Pisces smile and laugh again.
Overall, this relationship is not for the best. Leo will take things to heart at the beginning, and will most definitely make Pisces cry, yet Pisces wont just be able to get over it just like that. In the back of their mind, if Pisces sees true colours, and Leo does show their true colours when angry and upset, and these true colours were not what made Pisces fall in love in the first place, Pisces will constantly see the black instead of the yellow.

Who is your best match Pisces? Libra.
Funny how all the books state that Pisces is great and so compatible with Scorpio and Cancer and one random earth sign being Virgo or Taurus. I'm writing from experience, and what i have seen and what i know, by all means I'm not right, but i may not be wrong as well.

Libra is attracted to Pisces right from the get go. Libra, is a lover of love, and a lover of beauty and beautiful things. And Pisces is beautiful, not only in looks, but in heart and soul, and Libra can see that. Libra, when they look at a Pisces, will see beautiful big blue eyes, or deep, concerning and warm brown eyes.
When a Pisces sees a Libra, they see confidence, pride in their looks, masculinity and fun. Pisces is too serious to begin with, and when they see floaty air sign Libra up ahead, they want to get caught up in that flare, and to just be comfortable, and that's exactly what Libra is - comfortable. Libra does not like confrontation, and neither does Pisces. Libra will sit on the lounge, with a drink in hand, watching tv, while Pisces bustles around doing their own thing, only to have Libra surprise them with a warm hug from behind, startling Pisces and making them laugh, or by getting flowers or making dinner the next day, so Pisces can relax. You get out what you put in with Libra, and Pisces is the finest person for putting their all in in any relationship.
But! It is not all a happy ending with any relationship, as you'll always have an up and down, but nothing to compare to Pisces and Leo. Libra, and this is being honest from what i have experienced, tends to fall into a bout of laziness. Its true. My father (1st Oct) is a prime example of this. If Libra doesn't want to do anything, they wont. Libra IS quite happy to sit there, watch Pisces do everything around the home, and not lift a finger. This is the only flaw i can point out for these two. Pisces is emotional, and will snap at Libra about it. Libra's alarm bells then sound and the thinking cap comes on to help. Libra balances between what would happen if i did this, and what would happen if i didn't do this. Usually Libra will then move, slowly mind you, to do what needs to be done. Libra will stay clear of Pisces while this is happening, Pisces, once doing something, usually doesn't stop until completed and if disturbed, may get annoyed and be a not so happy shark.
The prime time Libra will ever be upset with Pisces, is if Pisces points out just one tiny flaw in Libra. Dear mother nature that is the worst thing you can ever do to a Libra. Libra is vain, and a mirror on every wall in the house would make Libra happy. Pisces though, on the other hand, will say what needs to be said, and doesn't think anything of this, as Pisces saying this and that may think they are helping. To Pisces, saying to Libra there is a strand of hair out of place on Libras amazing do, would be saying this to just be honest, that there really is a loose strand of hair. Libra though, will be in disbelief, will try and fix this and may even redo their hair all over again. Pisces, laughing in the background, will make Libra even more furious, which will result in a very strict atmosphere with a yes or no answer from Libra the whole night.
This is a great relationship, unless the Pisces and Libra grow old together, Pisces may do a bit more nagging, and Libra's eye may travel because of that, but if Pisces can be relaxed from the Libran aura that is given off, things will be forever beautiful.


First ever blog! Allow me to introduce myself!


So! This is my first ever post, for my first ever blog. I'm really really new at this, so please forgive me if i haven't done the best job as of yet, or if just seems silly.

So a bit about myself.
My name is Adam. I live in Brisbane, Australia, in Brisbane's smallest suburb. I work part time for an Queensland's biggest insurance company, as a Claims Assist Consultant.
I live with 2 housemates, one being my best friend since High School, the other being my best friends sister. I have a pure black cat, her name is Magick, and i rescued her from the RSPCA. I have one other best friend, who i have know since grade 11, and she's my whole world, my "Bullock" as i call her, as she's the most beautiful Taurean i have ever met.

There's not a lot to really talk about in regards to myself, i mean, I'm 22 end of June, i work, i did take up part time study in Western Herbal Medicine but i deferred, as i don't believe I'm in the right frame of mind for study from home as of yet. I have poor time management skills.
As you can probably tell, i love star signs, more so as a hobby then anything fanatical. A lot of people that i know, and around the world, are very skeptical people, not really putting much belief or faith into it, but when you actually sit down and read an amazing Astrological book, it kind of really changes your perspective. Of course, I don't not judge, so what ones belief is, another's isn't  and that's what makes the world go round :)

Growing up, me and my sister - we had a kinda weird up bringing. What started as perfect; a dad, a mum, a nice house, stayed at the same school, food on the table, money to spend and buy nice things with, pretty much turned upside down. Divorce at my age of 12 (my sister 11, year younger then me), choosing to live with my mother over my father, and moving to a completely different part of Queensland that i have never experienced before, made it extremely hard. I started my first year of grade 8 in my first country town as a teenager - Bundaberg. Famous for its rum and the distillery, more so famous for its more "backwards" approach to life.
Having a single mother, well, as a mother, when i look back at it was disastrous  She couldn't get work, basically living off her share of what she got when her and my father divorced, and us living at my Aunty's house at the time. So! There was little old me, plus my Aunty, my Aunty's girlfriend, my mother, and my sister. Hmm. First problem - i grew up in a female dominated environment. Second problem, the house was majority water signs - my mother being Pisces, my Aunty and sister being Scorpio, me Cancer and my Aunty's girlfriend a Taurus.
Life was great at the start when we all first moved in, my Aunty was happy mum had left my father, as my Aunty claimed, my Father never liked her and vise versa, i started a new school - Bundaberg High School, and we were comfortable surrounded by family.
Now, im going to dip into a bit about my high school there. One word - rachet. My first ever country high school was ghetto. Majority being aboriginals, drug fucked (excuse my language) white trash and no hope jocks and sluts that obviously weren't leaving town to experience what this world has to offer anytime soon. If you can picture the movie Mean Girls with Lindsey Lohan, that was pretty much my school. I had over 300 people in my grade alone, pretty much a messed up school. Fights everyday, lock-downs consistently, bomb threats, crazed persons with machete's running through the school, being at that school had definitely changed me for the worse. I had to adapt to their rules, adapt the the overall environment, and let me tell you, a crazy Cancer, is not a fun Cancer.

So home life there, with my Aunty, had taken a abrupt turn. The house was too emotional, was too cramped, and lets face it, when something bugs you, it bugs you, and my Aunty being very opinionated  and my mother being very defensive, obviously meant war. The only thing we could was move. We stayed in Bundaberg, but lived closer to the high school. Where we live with my Aunty, was a nice part of Bundaberg, nice houses, nice people, no bogan trash on that side of town. Where we ended up moving to, was ridiculously scary. We lived in a cute little 3 bedroom house, next to a unit of solely aboriginals and white trash chicks who slept with the men there. Fights every night, glass being broken, screaming, the thudding sound of people getting bashed into the concrete, the women there fighting among each other because she slept with him and she slept with that guy, at 13 and 12, me and my sister were constantly fearing for our lives. I remember in particular one night, when next door had gotten that bad, mum had actually phoned the police who ended up coming around. "That fucking white bitch next door better not have called the fucking cops on us" were the exact words i heard that night from next door. And i had to walk past that place every morning and afternoon to get to and from school.

I want to share what i have gone through and know in the sense of something spiritual, astrological, and universal.

To explain my main reason for me starting a blog, is to attract a community of people who believe in exactly what i believe, and to attract open minded people, who my be skeptical to begin with, but are willing to read, learn and understand. I ain't no teacher, and i ain't no preacher, but its just a little light fun, and i want to share all my experiences with everyone.
